Call for abstracts

The FORCE2017 abstract submission is closed. For questions regarding the submission, please contact

The 2017 Force11 conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 25–27 October 2017 and is built around the theme of Changing the Culture. In organizing the meeting, the FORCE2017 Program Committee is seeking proposals for conference sessions, flash talks, posters, or demonstrations and welcomes community input in developing the agenda.

This year’s theme focuses on how we can change the culture and build new workflows to support research, while increasing diversity and sharing information globally in accessible and expedited ways.

We are looking for your contributions that focus on topics such as building diversity, building new workflows, business models/sustainability, new communications forms or methods, outreach to new communities, and rewards and incentives. Submitters should not feel limited to only these topics, though.

Submissions can focus on either

  • the past and where we have been and what we have accomplished;
  • the future and where we might like to go; or finally,
  • achievable things and concrete next steps to advance near-term goals.

Submissions can take the form of regular sessions, workshops, flash talks, posters, or demonstrations. We particularly invite sessions intended to be interactive. There is also time in the schedule for an unconference, where unplanned conversations can take place.

FORCE2017 provides a unique forum to connect with a community of thought leaders in scholarly communications that includes scholars, researchers, librarians, data managers, grant administrators, funders, publishers, editors, societies and anyone else interested in scholarly communications. Through this diversity, FORCE2017 provides a fertile space where ideas on changing the landscape can grow and flourish.

The submission deadline is 15 August 2017. Force11 is committed to diversity, in all its forms, in scholarship and scholarly communications, and as such strongly encourages participation from a variety of communities. Fellowships to support participation in the meeting may also be available.