
The FORCE2017 Research Communication and e-¬Scholarship Conference brings together a diverse group of people interested in changing the way in which scholarly and scientific information is communicated and shared. The goal is to maximize efficiency and accessibility. The conference is non¬traditional, with all stakeholders coming to the table for open discussion on an even playing field in support of innovation and coordination across perspectives. The conference is intended to create new partnerships and collaborations and support implementation of ideas generated at the conference and subsequent working groups. The conference consists of approximately 300 scientists, publishers, librarians, computer scientists, informaticians, funders, educators, citizens, patients, and more ¬ from all sectors of the scholarly landscape.


Comments from past meeting delegates

  • “The attendees, program agenda, presentations and demos were engaging, lively and motivating. It was really pleasing to be reminded of just how cool and exciting it can be at the cutting edge of scholarly communication.”
  • “This meeting was especially unique because there were experts from so many different domains and often when a group from one discipline proposed to embark on a new venture there were people from other fields who had experience dealing with the same issue who could provide guidance and alert them to potential pitfalls.”
  • “I came away with innovative angles for solving my own research problem and I was encouraged by the interdisciplinary pool of resources. It was exciting to meet people who were in the active ‘let’s get it done’ camp rather than the perpetual planners.”
  • “An excellent networking experience! Particularly appreciate having a conference with data managers, librarians, publishers, funders, and researchers from multiple different areas.”

Interested in sponsoring? We have a variety of exciting opportunities to assist in bringing us all together for a fantastic opportunity to revolutionize global scholarly communication. For more details on sponsorship, please visit our sponsorship website.